
Sentencing Purposes

Sentencing Purposes

Sentencing is the process of determining and applying an appropriate penalty for an offender’s actions. There are purposes of sentencing that aim to guide how a sentence is applied. These are well established at common law, and supported in South Australia in the...

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What to bring to your Will appointment

What to bring to your Will appointment

Making a WIll appointment to have a Will drawn up by a lawyer is one of the first steps to getting your affairs in order for after you pass on. So what sort of preparation is needed and what should you bring to the first appointment? You will need to bring your ID in...

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Can you exclude an estranged adult child from your will?

Can you exclude an estranged adult child from your will?

At Hume Taylor & Co Lawyers, we are often asked to advise clients as to whether an estranged adult child can be left a smaller portion of the Estate than their other child or children, or left out of the Will completely. The answer is highly dependent on the...

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Why do I need a binding agreement for a property settlement?

Why do I need a binding agreement for a property settlement?

We are often approached by clients who say, why do I need a Consent Order of Binding Financial Agreement, when we have agreed how our assets should be divided already? The short answer is, to protect you. As family lawyers, we see many scenarios that render our...

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Why do I need a lawyer?

Why do I need a lawyer?

Lawyers play an important role in our society. They are responsible for promoting justice, upholding and interpreting our laws and protecting their client’s interests. While a lawyer’s role can vary depending on the area of law they work in, the core responsibilities...

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