3 Key Benefits of Registering a Trade Mark

A trade mark is a sign used to distinguish goods or services provided in the course of trade – for instance a business or product name, slogan or logo. In Australia, you can register a trade mark with IP Australia. Here are three key benefits for registering your trade mark:

A registered business name is not a type of intellectual property and offers very limited protection for that name. It is advisable to register a trade mark through IP Australia to gain protection and the exclusive right to use the mark.

Although you can still license or sell an unregistered mark, a potential purchaser will put greater value on a registered mark. Furthermore IP Australia can record the transfer of marks resulting in a clear record of ownership.

International Expansion
If you wish to sell your brand or product overseas, different countries will regulate trade mark protection differently and may only offer limited protection to unregistered marks. A mark registered in Australia will only protect you in Australia. However, under the Madrid System managed by the World International Property Organisation, an Australian registration can grant you access to a centralised system for registration internationally.

If you would like assistance with trade mark registration or intellectual property please do not hesitate to contact our offices.

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