When there is family violence or allegations of family violence, it is common for both family law orders and...
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Why you shouldn’t put off preparing your Will
Preparing a will is an important step in ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of after you pass away....
Emily Bosco
Emily BoscoAssociateEmily Bosco joined Hume Taylor & Co in mid-2022 as a Law Clerk. She was shortly after admitted...
What to do if an original Will cannot be found
Why is it necessary to keep my original Will safe? Keeping your original signed Will in a safe place is important as...
When is Family Violence considered in a Matrimonial Property Settlement?
What is family violence and how could this affect our property settlement? Following separation, a property...
When should I review my Will?
Once your final Will has been signed and executed, it is easy to place it into storage and then forget about it...
Does the South Australian Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation impact Advanced Care Directives?
In June 2021, the South Australian government passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 (‘The Act’). South...
Drafting legal documents in advance to avoid a legal dispute
The common saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ is true for one’s health, however, it is also accurate for drafting...
The New Critical Incident List in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
On the 3rd of June, the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia announced the establishment of the Critical...