Storage and Archive
Storage, Archiving & Destruction of Matter Files
Adelaide office matters:
At the finalisation of your matter we will, upon request, make the hardcopy of your file available for collection from our Adelaide office for 60 days. This service is free of charge. Should you wish to collect your file outside of the 60 day time period we will ask that you agree to us passing on any reasonable fee charged to us for the retrieval and collection of this file.
Your physical, hard copy file will be stored securely offsite and then will be securely destroyed in 12 months. A complete and accurate electronic (PDF) version of your file will be kept as per the requirements of the Law Society of South Australia (for at least 7 years). This ‘soft’ copy of the file can be provided to you conveniently by email and at shorter notice compared to older, physical retrieval methods.
Please contact our Adelaide office reception on (08) 8223 3199 should you wish to collect your file.
Millicent and Whyalla office matters:
At the finalisation of your matter, your file will be stored onsite for 7 years then will be securely destroyed. Should you wish to collect your physical file at any time, please contact our Millicent office on 8733 2500 or our Whyalla office on 8645 7666.
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